Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Been a While

That's an understatement. I've gone through a cycle like I'm sure many of us do. In the months of Feburary and March, due in large part to more work on my plate than I could complete in a regular workday, I began working at home, on weekends, and sitting A LOT. Not good. The major project I was working on hasn't concluded, but the workload is more consistent now. I'm left with having gained 15 pounds in those two months, about 5 of which I've now lost through Weight Watchers. What a bummer. That said, I'm LOVING Weight Watchers' new system because fruits and vegetables are free - Point free, that is. I was always so frustrated that a banana was the same amount of points as a small cookie. No longer!

I'm totally back into my 10-a-day. And I'm going swimming at the gym in an hour. I'm not saying that I won't get overwhelmed again and lose my balance, as that's the nature of our world, but I'm definitely back on track. And I shall blog again! Here's a recent picture of Olivia - she reminds my daily of why getting healthy needs to be my top priority.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Veggies are Good for the Heart!

More evidence olive oil and veggies help the heart

By Alison McCook

NEW YORK | Thu Dec 30, 2010

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - It's no secret that eating well is good for both body and mind, so it may not come as a surprise that a new study finds women who eat more olive oil and leafy vegetables such as salads and cooked spinach are significantly less likely to develop heart disease.

A group of Italian researchers found that women who ate at least 1 serving of leafy vegetables per day were more than 40 percent less likely to develop heart disease over an average of eight years, relative to women who ate two or fewer portions of those vegetables each week.

It's not exactly clear why specifically leafy vegetables and olive oil may protect the heart, study author Dr. Domenico Palli of the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute in Florence told Reuters Health. "Probably the mechanisms responsible for the protective effect of plant-origin foods on cardiovascular diseases involve micronutrients such as folate, antioxidant vitamins and potassium, all present in green leafy vegetables."

Women who ate at least one daily serving (about two ounces) of leafy vegetables - such as raw lettuce or endives, or cooked vegetables like spinach or chard -- had a 46 percent lower risk of developing heart disease than women who ate at most two portions per week.

Both fruits and vegetables have been associated with heart benefits in past studies conducted elsewhere in Europe and in North America. The authors caution that the apparent lack of positive effect from high fruit consumption in their results may have something to do with a different attitude toward fruit in Italy. It is cheap, varied and easily available, so eating a lot of fruit is a widespread habit but it does not necessarily signal that the rest of someone's diet is as healthy, the authors wrote.

This is a shortened version, for the full article:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Body Will Catch Up

It's been over a month since I've written. The holidays were fun, filled with goodies, and generally tempting. In my new year's resolution I didn't want to change anything about what I'd committed to in 2010 - 10 a day, while not always followed to the "t", is still my goal. I also still want to run a 10-minute mile. So what needed to change?

I mentioned Marianne Williamson's article in my last blog. After reading that piece in Oprah I lost 5 pounds - just through thinking differently about my relationship with food. I then ordered her book A Course in Weight Loss. Each chapter is a different lesson. Some of the teachings feel a little silly, but I'm trying them (i.e. making an altar to my life). Some of her words though are so right-on, I have re-read certain chapters 3 and 4 times.

I don't know what I weigh today. I'm not as focused on it, to be honest. I feel a huge relief from my crutch on food to relieve my daily and long-term stresses, embarrassments, worries, and angers. Let's be honest - even my joys and accomplishments are tied to food "rewards".

My mindset is healthier today than it was yesterday, and I believe that will change my body. I have a big trip to New York planned for this weekend. It will entail LOTS of walking, and these coming nights and days will be focused on tying up details in preparation of a long weekend. Will the airplane seat be tight on my thighs? Yes, probably. But my mind will be focused, my heart will be light, and I will be living healthfully. My body will catch up in its own time.