That's an understatement. I've gone through a cycle like I'm sure many of us do. In the months of Feburary and March, due in large part to more work on my plate than I could complete in a regular workday, I began working at home, on weekends, and sitting A LOT. Not good. The major project I was working on hasn't concluded, but the workload is more consistent now. I'm left with having gained 15 pounds in those two months, about 5 of which I've now lost through Weight Watchers. What a bummer. That said, I'm LOVING Weight Watchers' new system because fruits and vegetables are free - Point free, that is. I was always so frustrated that a banana was the same amount of points as a small cookie. No longer!
I'm totally back into my 10-a-day. And I'm going swimming at the gym in an hour. I'm not saying that I won't get overwhelmed again and lose my balance, as that's the nature of our world, but I'm definitely back on track. And I shall blog again! Here's a recent picture of Olivia - she reminds my daily of why getting healthy needs to be my top priority.