Thursday, November 18, 2010

2011 Races

This week I've found that going to the Y in the evening, after Olivia goes to bed, is wonderful. I have guilt-free "me" time and I've spend the last few nights speed-walking 5Ks to get back into the swing of running. I also spent some time tonight finding races for the first 1/2 of 2011. Here's what I'm planning to do; let me know if you'd like to join me!

16th - Fort Ord Foray

13th - St. Patrick's Day 10K in Los Gatos

10th - Santa Cruz 1/2 Marathon

1st - Big Sur 9 miler
15th - Bay to Breakers in San Francisco

1 comment:

  1. Awesome list, Abby! I'm tempted by the Big Sur 9-miler (walking it). Have you thought about doing Team in Training? I have a couple of friends who have done it and I signed up for it in '08 but dropped out. I keep thinking of trying again, though. -m
