Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've been away from this blog for a week because bronchitis took me down! I wasn't able to run since last Tuesday, unfortunately, but I'll be back to it tonight.

Last night when I got home from work I was giving Livey a snack before going to the park and realized I was hungry too. Normally I would have grabbed some crackers or something easy like that, but I realized I'd only had 4 of my produce servings that day so I looked around for what we had. I found cucumbers that I'd bought a week before and grudgingly took them out. I love cucumbers, I just always think they're so time consuming to prepare. 30 seconds later they were peeled (a task that completely entranced Olivia) and sliced and we were out the door to the park. Why do we make things so much bigger in our heads?

I also had an interesting revelation this last week. When I crave something "bad" I just reach for one of my 10 servings and sometimes realize I'm not hungry at all when what I'm eating isn't my "craving". I think eating has become my way of dealing with things, and instead I need to do other things, like taking Olivia to the park. We had so much fun, and food became the last thing on my mind.

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